I'm turning into a real bridezilla now....!!!!!
huuuuu~ remember my previous post....
org bg komen byk on my nikah outfit......
mlm td pon cannot sleep memikirkan how am i gonna wear that baju...
and i came to a big decision, to wear that baju for engagement nanti.....not on solemny...
org pon takde baju utk engagement yg nak wat tiba2 tu kan....
and for solemny....
i already bought a new kain....!!!! i purposely took half day today and went to kedai2 kains...
i can't work when thinking of my dress....
now, i'm turning into a real bridezilla....uuwaaaargghh....!!!
ok, i feel uncomfortable wearing that nikah baju actually...
too fit la i think....even though the appearance is ok...
and i look pretty busted....that's why i crop the picture on the top...
the baju look so, so simple...yeah, i know i'm simple, but it is too simple....hu3...
that's why i decided not to wear that baju on nikah....my nikah event sehari tau...!!
dr pagi ke ptg pakai bj tu...so, kena cr yg betul2 selesa and cantik...
cannot be too simple like that...hik3
so, this evening, the hunting started...
org bw 3 panel hakim....two sis and my bro..yg mulut mmg pedas...
maksudnye, kalo tak cantek...mereka mmg suka buat muka...!!! ha3...
my bro plak mmg metroseksual....so, ok gak bw die....
mcm2 idea die bg....and he is my consultant for all my veil & headscarf...hik3...
mula2, kami ke euro moda.....sbb org ingat nak beli chiffon...
but try2 chiffon kat bdn, the 1st sis said, i'm not the chiffon type person...
i'm suit for lace...!!! and the 2nd sis and bro agreed...!!
ok, then we went to Jakel...since utk lace, i think jakel ade byk variasi...
a promoter dtg approach and layan...
die tanya bajet...org cakapla sekian, sekian....
org takmau amek pakej baju lelaki since mmg da beli kain baju cekmat...
then.... die bw org pilih lining same kaler dgn cekmat...
die bw ke bhg satin.....
owhoho....org da serik dgn satin yg jakel bg.....!!!
satin yg sama beli utk baju yg tak jd pakai tuu...
i hate the satin.....too shiny.....
so, i request her another fabric for lining....
die tunjukkan kain german sildoll....it looks alike crepe back satin...
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crepe back satin |
yup...that's the fabric that i want...
it's a lil bit pricey....so, org beli lace yg cheaper to fit in my budget...
akak promoter pun tunjukkan lace2 yg cantek...
tp banyak yg kena reject dgn kami...ha3...
sian die kena puaskan ati kami berempat...
kalo dl org request kain dgn corak lace jarak2, sebatu2, taknak byk embroidery...
hari ni org ckp sebaliknye...."saya nak lace yg bunga die rapat2...border die cantek..."
ha...tu dia...pening kakak tu mencari....
dan akhirnye.....kami berkenan yg ini.....
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ini die kainnye.... at least, lebih meriah dr yg dl....kih3 |
huuu~ don't he knows how much i love kurung modern...
he asked me to make dress...!!
sbb die kata org paling cantek pakai jubah dress ms raya taun lepas..
nampak tinggi...
lagipon, baju nikah tu adalah baju majlis reception siang juga...
so, die suh buat baju yg wow sket....jgnla kurung modern aje...
ok, bro....kakakmu ini menurut perintah...
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suh buat kain mermaid cani..... but skip the long trail.... |
owhoho...bile fikir2...org mmg gile....beli kain time takde sale....!!!
huaaarrggghh...abes duit...!!
sometimes, i hate myself for this reason...
too particular about something....and total ignorance on the rest...
patutnye kena sederhana on everything....huuuuu~
takpe, ni last, pasni org mau berubah...!! caiyok lijah caiyok..!
**cet, azam yg sama setiap taun...!!! kih3...

owhh da beli kain bru utk nikah..so yg satu lg tu utk engagement..hehe..gdluck ye cik lijah..btw, cntik lace tu.. :)
act, baju yg lepas tu ok. but this new lace is super ok tau! n betul ur bro ckp. memang dress lagi cantik. kurung modern, dah biase sangat.unless pandai wat design cam qudyn, ok ar kurung modern. hehe. just my 2 cents :)
dear...if u buat design mcm yg last tu confirm meletopsss la! hihi
tulaaa...mmg meletop kot.....tp suke kurung modern....nak tempah qudyn tak larat den....kih3
waa...best je banyak pemberi nasehat kan kan..hehe..gud luck dear..cantek kain tu ok!
hrmm....tak finalize lg nak wat baju ape....org suke sgt kurung moden....ha3....yg len suh wat dress...tak taula jd cane...tak gi hantar tailor lg...huuu~
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