1st time dpt award...cik jane bg...
nak peluk die je rasa...ceh2...emo..ha3...!!
Ok, prosedur penganugerahan lovely blog award ni plak adelah spt berikut:
1. Copy imej award pada entry baru anda.
2. Buat link pada pemberi award.
3. Senaraikan 7 perkara berkaitan diri anda.
4. Tag pula 15 blogger pilihan anda.
5. Alasan kenapa tag blog mereka
Proses penganugerahan bermula....
Thanx Jane Dear..!
7 things about me:-
1. Personality: Simple. Nak everything to be simple in my weds. Outfit, make-up, the event, all simple but sweet.
2. Minah kelam kabut & the-tak kesah type person. But sometimes, can be very cerewet & particular...keh3.
3. I accepting cekmat's proposal on the 4th Date. It means that org tak perlu tggu or kenal lama utk say "i do" to him. After a year knowing him, still think that he is the right one for me..!
4. My ambition is to be surirumah sepenuh masa. Kolot right??? hehehe...
5. Kerang busuk. Always smiling kat mana-mana....!! Senyuman sedekah paling murah kan..tihihi.
6. Looks skinny & short even my weight is 47kg with 157.5cm height. Sbb, kaki org pendek...bdn panjang...rangka bdn kecil...tihihi...Kasut saiz 4... =p
7. Lastly, sama mcm cik jane, my hand & feet sweat a lot...!! so, my hand & feet are very soft...(that's what other people told me..**ceh...ayat takleh blah...). But when its dry, it is very dry...and i don't like that...! and org susah nak sweat kat bdn..!
Ok, tag 15 blogger...kalo boleh org nak tag all of them....!!!
but, i choose to tag 15 follower with blog yg org mule-mule kenal apart from yg cik jane da tag....feel happy that they always with me sampai skrg...wuuu~ hugs**
1. Iela
2. Fifah
3. Wardah
4. ellDIta
5. nolyndila
6. Xalinx
7. CikNana
8. FarahDianti
9. Hailah
10. Senorita
11. Love
12. Sweethemohemo
13. Miss Bella
14. Miss Sunshine
15. Enol **
**En. Hubby to be...ha3...terlibat gak die...!! mana die lyn girlish thingy ni....takyah amek award ni pon takpe...wekk..!
Ok, mari spread award ini...!! We are all lovely rite??? tihihi~

tq dear :)
thanks beb.. =) cita-cita surirumah tu tak kolot langsung okeh. kite pun ade cita-cita yang same.
tq dear...keep in touch always..muah3
Tq dear..keep in touch always..
so sweet..thanks dear..^_^
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