Seeroonok sgt hari nih...
As usual, sabtu pagi cekmat akan tercongok kat rmh org...
to pick me up for date....
but today, kitorg takde plan awal nak ke mana...
Since da takde idea...cekmat cdgkan kami ke pantai...
So, pantai yg terdekat...morib atau gold coast sepang...
but we decided to go to Kelanang, pantai berdekatan morib since org tak pernah ke situ..
Subhanallah, canteknye pantai...
so, decided amek gmbar...then the photos turn out to be our pre-wed pics...hehe
Ok, mmg smlm org ade kata yg kami mgkin akan amek pre-wed pics...
tapi tak sangkala secepat ini...tanpa pape props..tanpa perancangan rapi...
kami bedal jek.....
But i'm really glad when looking at the outcome...!!
Photoshoot session was really funny and enjoyable...
Cekmat sendiri amek gmbar pre-wed kami...
Remote control & timer kan ade...set kamera dan mulalah cekmat berlari2...
so, so, fun....!!! hehe...
so, the teaser pics.......
Utk lebih byk pics....boleh lawat Lens@Work....
Need photographer for ur wedding at affordable price....
Price u can really nego...
Feel free to contact us....We glad to serve u on ur big day...(^^)
akhirnye.....the prince menyarungkan kasut cinderella itu di kaki
cik lijah...hehe

dah tgk gambar2 kat lens@work...
Nice and sweet.... <3
sweetnya... ^_~
owww...comel sungguh kamu berdua dear..suke ^_^
sweet giler cik lijah oitt....ske tengok~...hihi
nnt ajar kak long yea mne post yang terbaik nnt...hahahahah =)
chayook la adea cik lijah nie..
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