Pertama kali mengenal apam dot dot di blog kak rose...
Nampak sedapnye.....dan comelnye....
Dan nampak di blog2 lain juge....
Think its perfect for my dessert table or as a wed favors...

source here

and here
love that it look like mushrooms...
love that they are colourful...
love that they look sweets...
mm...anyway tak pernah rasa pon these apams...kih3...
tp yg org mau ini apam...
later mau google vendor yg boleh bg price murah2...
mcm biase...kedekutku sudah dtg...kih3...
another sweet story....
suke sgt dgn preps cik zimie nak buat kat her e-day..
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fall in luv the 1st time zimie told her story to make cake in a jar.. |
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fudge cake in jar.... |
nak consider this cake as my wed favors gakla...
the only halangan between me&cake jar ni adalah...
org nak buat dlm quantity yg byk...dan takmau packing last minute...
so, if i'm giving this cake jar...definitely i have to prepare the favors a day before wed...
aaaaaa.......of course it's impossible for me...!! wuuu~
mcm yg korg tau...jar sudah ade...
ade sesiape tau mana nak cr jellybeans yg murah and halal apart from typical candy store..??

mm...considering beryl's since i usually went to their factory in Serdang buying chocs...
cuma org yg masih berkira2 mau bubuh ape di dlm jar...
my 1st option is to give jellybeans...
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help me....!!
if i can't find the vendors...i may consider choc balls to fill in the jar..

mm...considering beryl's since i usually went to their factory in Serdang buying chocs...
especially during university time...'s quite pricey even though i loooove it so so much...
so, need to stick to the 1st plan...
anyway, love cekmat's idea to giveaway choc duit-duit...
oo...suke duit...!! ha3... |
ade lg ke jual cokelat cani...?? cam da tak nampak je...
anyway fren...plees help me find the perfect vendors for me...!!! huuuu~

heeee...sweet! sbb cik el pun wt apam polka dot tu utk goodies bag. sis dh order for me. so, campur2... ms tunang pun cik el guna apam tu. sedap and simple.
wah!!duit-duit nyer coklat!dh lama xjumpa:)wt la lijah:)t dba nk satu:)
cik lijah: kros ada jumpa rm20 for 100 pcs. dekat dungun. try la lg google kot2 ada lg murah. nnti share ek.
Lijah,saya pun nak guna jar or bottle juga. ada google diaorg letak nut kacang2 tu yg pelbagai2 and kuaci2. best gak kan idea tu....
BTW of topik jap. saya ada joint 1 GA ni. i tag u la.... if u free2, take a look ye... hehehe
ske r bce blog nieh.. update slalu.. citarasa sweet jerk.. ske..
i pon buat mini jar for my wedding favor i letak choc :)
cik el: wah...cik el pon guna..mesti sedap apam ni kan...(^-^)
dibah: tula....kalo dpt duit2 pny coklat best gak....comey jek...
kak ros: saya pon ade jumpa RM20 100 pcs....kat s.alam, dkt sket ngan tempat vendor kek sy kata leh watkan...cuma tak taula harga berapa...hehe
zimie: metro kajang ea....rasa mcm tau...ala...dulu kan duk, taula sket2 area kajang ngan bangi wajib pegi cari nih junk food yg sesuai...kih3...
jane: mmm kacang pon menarik gak nak bubuh cek da contest tu....gudluck dear...!!
hi...I loves that cakes....especially the chocolate fudge cake...sweet and neat....
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