Org diserang panic...!! dr malam semalam....sampai ke pagi ini...
Memikirkan byk wedding preps yg tak setal & tiada progress langsung....
banyak program2 terbengkalai....keje opis terbengkalai....
arrrgghhh...!!!! want my life back on track again....wuuuu~
ok, mari susun jadual sebelum "the big day"
based on my latest checklist...
**ayat in bold & red tu adalah plan org..
Updated 16th May 2011
3) Download form at JAIS website
4) Fill-up the form, attach related documents together
5) Get approval from local imam Qariah
6) Get approval from Kuala Langat Islamic District Office (PAID)
7) Send approved form to local imam Qariah - booked for solemnization
8) Solemnization
8) Get wed cert from JAIS/PAID
Permohonan nikah boleh dibuat starting 1 July 2011..
Made wedding invitation
1) Wedding card
2) On-line invitation
3) Verbal invitation
Kad kahwin DIY, Google design dr sekarang......
Target - Mesti Siap Sebelum Raya..!! (31 Ogos 2011)
Home for us
1) Location
2) Budget Preparation
3) Renting Procedure
4) Moving to new home
Serah pada Cekmat....
Deadline: A Week Before Big Day
1) Location
2) Budget preparation
3) Accommodation
4) Planned Activities
Serah pada Cekmat juga....
Deadline: A Week Before Big Day
Money do the talk
Savings tak pernah cukup...owhohoho~
1) Selecting Vendor - Ceria Canopy
2) Paying Deposit/ Full renting amount
To be decided with vendor
- Theme - Turquoise, White, Green
- Canopy - Arabian Transparent (4 or 5 units)*
- Chairs - 160 units*
- Round tables - 12 or16 units*
- Buffet tables - 2 units
- Cake/candy table - 1 unit
- Gift table - 1 unit
- Deco - Blue fairy light
- Centrepiece
- Placeholder
Undecided to DIY/ to be include in canopy package#:
- Cake/candy table deco
- Gift table deco
- Buffet tables deco
* Decide after measuring home compound
# Price comparison & budget wise
Bayar Deposit dan finalize details before 1 July 2011
Tggu Bonus nih....kih3
1) Selecting caterer - relatives
2) Budget preparation
3) Renting cooking & dining utensils
4) Allocating PIC for:
- Dishwashing
- Penanggah
- Runner
Decided menu:
- Plain rice
- Black pepper meat
- Salted fish & pineapple gravy
- Tauchu/ Sambal belacan
- Ulam
- Fruit rojak
- Cendol
- Fruits
- Desserts & candies
- Cordial water
Non-finalized menu
- Lamb BBQ*
- Menu for bride & groom#
* Budget wise
# Current decision is to have the same menus like the guests
(considering that all the menus are my favourite)
Serahkan kepada ibu...
Duit must be ready on 31st July 2011
1) Decide no. of guests (awaiting confirmation from parents)
2) Prepare 100 units more than no. of guests
Goodies item#
- Candy jar or cactus
- Candy jar or cactus
Jars(500 units)- Jelly beans/ marshmallow/ candies/ chocolates#
- Sticker labels*- vendor confirmed
- Cactus*
- Transparent Boxes for Cactus*
- Apples*
- Carbonated drinks*
-Kraft bags (700 unit stock)
- Personalized stamp (for kraft bag)
- Ribbons
- Carbonated drinks*
- Personalized stamp (for kraft bag)
- Ribbons
* Depend on the no. of guests
# Non-finalized. Price comparison & budget wise.
Ini Projek Besar yg Terbengkalai...!!!!!!
Now, tgh buat design sticker...
My set Deadline: 15th July 2011
Wedding Outfit
(A) Solemnization
Modern kurung for meHeadscarf-awning&chiffon headscarf*Lace veilBaju melayu for him
(B) My reception
Dress for meHeadscarf-awning*&chiffon headscarf*Patch Lace & Beads Veil*- Tiara#
Baju melayu for him
(C) His reception
Modern kurung for meHeadscarf-awning&chiffon headscarf*- Patch beads veil*
- Baju melayu for him
(D) Others
Wedding shoe- Family outfit (
Gurlsand Guys)
** Either rent or DIY
# Non-finalized.
Currently DIYing the last veil,
Outfit semua tak siap lg...
Tidak seperti perancangan..sigh~
But, everything sudah dibayar...lega~
Not to forget: Cari Baju Melayu Pink Cekmat
By 31st July 2011
Gifts for him
2) Gifts*
3) Deco#
* Secret. Already bought 7 items (1 item won't be present on the day)
** Either rent or DIY
# Non-finalized
Item yg tinggal;
Belt, Wallet, Baju Melayu & Butang,
Kek, Coklat,
Bunga Rampai, Sireh Junjung,
DIY bunga dulang/ Fresh Flowers
Bedroom & Deco
2) Budget preparation
4) Deco*
* Non-finalized.
Deadline for buying the sets: 31st August 2011
Deadline for Deco: A week before "the big day"
1) During event*
2) Outdoor - mr. hubby
* Non-finalized.
**A female photographer....i like...!
Make Up
1) 3 x make-up - kaksu
2) Trial Make-Up
Trial Make-up on June
Paying 70% Deposit before 31st July 2011
1) Bantal Nikah
2) Hand bouquet
3) Wed corsage
4) Labels for food
Bantal Nikah Settle. Hand Bouquet??
Wed Corsage & Labels to be completed before 31st August 2011
Ok, May yg tiada progress...
House is under renovation....
so, tak best nak buat keje2 DIY or pk keje kawen...
rumah da semak...!!! huuuu~
Jadi, May & June ini - tumpukan keje2 pejabat okeyh..!!
Siapkan the big-big report..
kurangkan ber'blogging'...
Cam susah jek....ha3...
hari ni pon amek cuti sbb malas keje...tihihi~
duk berblogging lagi...ha3...
lijah OoooOOo Lijah....
Pe nak jadi nih.....sigh~

dun worry Cik Lijah...ade ms lg tu..=)
hehehe..jgn jd cik el. kelam kabut. setel dlm ms less than 2 months. haru biru. but,keep update all ur review with others.
huuuu~ thanx for the advice cik el...
org mmg terkenal dgn minah kabut nyer...
so, mmg takleh wat keje last2 minit...
mesti kelam kabut...takoooot...huuu~
hihiih..sama la dgn Cik el... xsuka keje last minit tu yg jd kelam kabut. mcm skrg ni, cik el sibuk buat brown paper bag lg 200. sbb weekend siapkan 200. letih. ptg ni nk amek lense, esok shopping mane yg xde lg.
dun worry,u have a lots of time compare with me. i'm happy if i get extra time like u,ms lijah...=). do slowly ok!
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