Salam All...
For Post-E,
Make-up ditaja my besties...
currently a freelance MUA...
rasanye da banyak kali review die...
review kali ni sma mcm review 1st trial make-up..
as usual, nothing fake, nothing trim...
light make-up base but long lasting....non-crack..
the best conceal all my imperfections...ngeh3....
my latest pics....taken last week...
ok, pic di atas ni pic right after make-up my own version of make-up la....ngeh3...
if tak make-up, i think u all might get shocked of my look..lg byk flaws....hahaha...!!
so, the pic after......
looooveee this make-up....
service tip top...
seperti yg selalu saya kata...
saya suka make-up begini...."simple"
org lain maybe suka make-up yg lain...
she'll make-up as per request....tak percaya...???
ok....byk "before pics" yg org tak tunjuk....
sbb puan2 pengantin tak bertudung....
so, mcm tak baik plak sy letak gambar tu.......
if u see the before pics, lagi surprise tau.....!! hehe...
anyway, i think its easy to work wif kaksu...(^^)
as i mentioned many2 times, if I hire another MUA,
tak taulah diorg nak buat as per request ke tak....
mintak mekap nipis, bg tebal.....
mintak warna natural, bg colouring kat my face...
tu belum kire yg paksa kite trim facial hairs....
Suruh gak pakai fake lashes and etc..!!
yg penting bg of mekap diorg je kena jaga...
hate it..!!
tp tak semua mcm tu kan.....hikhik...
ok, jgn risau...mekap kaksu murah je dear.....
bukan nak promote lebey...but i think she is talented..
nak contact beliau...boleh email saya...TQ...
61 HaRi LaGi........

kak su ada blog tak? nak tengok lagi hasil sentuhan dia. and kita nak dia punya contact details. my email -
thanks dear. :)
serius sangat natural n suuuuuuuuuuuuuweeet..
cantikkk! ;)
wahhhh...pandai la kawan u makeup..bleh pergi jauh ni..cewahhh
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