Let pictures tell the story......
light base make-up & foundation... still nampak my tahi lalat bwh bibir tu kan.... conceal yg perlu shj....mcm scars & flaws... |
i heart this make-up....
so so gorgeous......kih3.....
kenapa mekap ni bagus???
1) non-oily, non-crack, long lasting.....i have very2 oily face....!!!
2) org ade isu jerawat...for those yg kenal, mesti tau cane keterukan jerawat pasir org tuu....!!
ade gak jrawat batu..ye, skrg maybe da kurg sket pimples....tp still ade byk scar...and big pores..
but this make-up make my skin look flawless till evening.......!
3) This make-up was really light....!! felt very confident wearing it...! she used kryolan supra instead of kryolan stick yg biase MUA pakai tuh...
4) kaksu mmg best, buat make-up mcm yg di request, she really knows me...
i love simple, flawless, long lasting make-up, not overdone, nothing fake...nothing trim....
and she did it..!! maybe if i hire another MUA, they don't want to listen to me...!!
jatuhla reputasi mereka....
what i mean simple is really2 simple, but not to forget, the long lasting and flawless features ok..!
so, mmg really2 recommend her....
and korg jgn risau...org suka mekap yg cani.....korg maybe suke yg lain.....
i'll sure she'll make-up as per request....tak caye, boleh tgk hasil kaksu yg lain dlm entry nih...
and all the make-up tutorial that i wrote in this blog was also by her...
5) Ok, before this, slalu fikir, slalu risau..takut tak cantek tak pakai fake eye lashes...
sbb my eye lashes sikit, halus-halus...dan sgt2 jarang..walaupun panjang....
tp still takmau fake eye lashes sbb ade syubhah di hatiku....
but with this make-up....the eye-part still cantek...**perasan...!! hehe
betul nih...tak caye tgk gambar bwh...
eye make-up..lashes nampak byk...yeay!! make-up flawless....tak nampak pimples...kih3... |
ok, lagi pic lain semalam....non-edited version..
yg ni make-up suka suki jek...trial make-up free...
kaksu kata "make-up trial utk ko byk2 pon takpe...tak luak pon brg mekap aku...hahaha"
so, trial make-up betul2 will be in July...
ooowwh...tp nak request this look for solemnyla...!!
cekmat pon suka...hehe
my advice, profesional make-up look....yg tak keluarkan ribu raban....!!!
not even half a thousand....!
kaksu...she is the one....

cantik.. nampak very natural... ^_^
Cik Lijah....okla makeup tue..nampak simple yet still flawless n cute ^_^
comelnye cik lijah..
Cntek make-up nye.. Nampak natural.. Lmbut jerk.. Like... Bibir nmpak sweet jek.. Mata pon nmpk ringan je.. Nice.. Sng kata mmg cntik sgt...
look nice cik lijah..emah suka mke up yg look natural..vry lite yet sweet enuf for you.. :)
nice.makeup simple tp cantik.sbb tu orng cakap less is more :)
cantik!! 2 thumbs up
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