Hari ni jalan2 habiskan masa wif cekmat...
(ok..org mention da nama awk, cekmat....^_^ )
da lama tak ke shopping complex, window shopping wif him...
so, jln2 kedai buku mph, we love books!!
then...gi ke bahagian stationary and art paper...
terjumpa paper crepe...
and thinking.....what can be made out of this...???
and balik rumah trus blogwalking...and like sgt dgn ape yg org jumpa...
1) pomander ball (click for tutorial)
2) hand bouquet (click for tutorial)
3) paper lantern (click for tutorial)
4) corsage (click for tutorial)

thanks for sharing. love it especially pomander ball tu...
kan...kan.....mm msti sonok dpt DIY sendiri nanti...
bagusnyer!!dba ingat nk wt handbouquet guna crepe paper:)
thanks for sharing sayang!:)
eh kita link awak eyh!thanks:)
let's exchange link...
sharing is caring kan....tihihi...
wah...nice and different la bouquet tu kan2...ti da siap boleh tunjuk kite...
ala..xtau lagi la yang..tgh berkira2 lg..hehe~..t paper i update kt blog..hehe~
waa...lijah...best2 la diy lijah...nida ada gk tgk diy untuk pomander ball, tp cara dia len, nida wat jd xcantik..huhu..yg ni cara dia len..thanx for sharing...
neway, lets exchange link.. (^v*) nida da add blog lijah kat bloglist nida.. =)
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