Lapa...craving for sweet things...
takleh tdo...tu psl org wat entry nih...hu3...
for cakes, utk lebey jimat...
org saran, tempah ur cake dr surirumah2 yg buat cake a.k.a home made cake...
slalunye lebey sedap kan...kan?
n for design.....u all boleh search images...ape guna dunia tanpa sempadan ni kan...?? hehe
kalo susah nak cari makcik buat kek..
boleh beli di kedai kek..hi3..ape punya tips daaaa...
(gara2 lapo takleh nak berfikir dgn waras...ha3)
enjoy watching these cute cakes....
luv cute cakes design very much....
lapor....lapor...meleleh air liur tgk kek..!!
Sumber: Google images
yg nak cari vendor for mavles cakes area KL and Selangor...
search je kat kahwinmall
contact supplier, and ask for quotation...n compare the prices for urself...
love cakes design from choffles wedding cake studio
and artistique
nite readers...nak gi dapor...cek fridge ade makanan tak...wuuuu~

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