December hari tu Jakel ade sale...I LIKE!!!!
exciting half-price promotion!!! really2 like...
so 3 kali ke Jakel, and the last visit, org beli 2 psg baju...
satu for pernikahan n satu for my reception...
both french dr berlainan jenis i guess...
org bukanla dari golongan berbajet besar utk perkahwinan,
to find wed clothes (mavles one...keh3) to rent for myself is very2 difficult,
skinny, busted, short-leg, takde punggung...huk3..
then, i decided to hunt for my wedding dresses...
french lace is my choice instead of chiffon..
chiffon makes me look skinnier..hu3..( dlm hati meronta nak pakai chiffon...!!!)
takleh nak tunjuk kain2 tu..<sad>
ade kat tailor a.k.a my aunt...
but can't wait to see her tailoring job!!
2 kain ni resemble mine the most...
for nikah, mine without beading n the colour is more creamy...nak DIY beading...hi3
i make kurung moden out of this fabric
for reception...
org punya kaler greyish purple, with more beading and the fabric is lighter
my aunt said it's very difficult to tailor this material...wuhuhuhu~
so i just made plain dress for this fabric.
design lebey kurang camnih...
ada one more fabric to hunt...for bertandang..
org adore sgt baju marion and elyana...
the design suit my taste...(vera wang and hatta dolmat...suit every bride taste i guess..kih3)
i heart the kain design, berombak-ombak gitu...
tapi bile tengok kan, design kain ni sama dgn wed dress cik sabsabby kite..
design by rizman ruzaini, for more views boleh ke blog Pn. sabsabby,
Die nak rent her dress...LIKE!!!!!
but i guess i don't fit the dress well....wwwuuuuu~
So, i guess i have found the design for bertandang dress,
kurung moden dgn kain yg berombak mcm design2 ni..
mm bile nak kain hunting lagi ekk...
Jakel ade promotion for chinese new year nih...
until 14th feb...hmm.....
but the sale tak segila year end sale..!!

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