The last entry for 2011....
*actually nak save this entry, need to tell bff first....
*but since they also read this not here kan...
There's an official announcement i've to make....
I'm pregnant..!! Yup...i'm pregnant....
And i'm in the 14th week of my pregnancy..
**hrrmmm....some might start wondering...
"i've just married for 3 months @ 12 weeks"
"So, how can i be pregnant for 14 weeks..???"
It's bunting pelamin dear....
*Ok, even though i don't have any pelamin, i'm bunting ok..! ha3
and for those who didn't know...
the pregnancy week is calculated from the 1st day we have our last menses.
So, the first few days as "pengantin baru" was actually my "subur" period...
subur for having baby...*shy*.....ehem~
and by calculation, my growing baby is 12 weeks old -
yup..thanks to the fuzzy math of pregnancy!
To share my experience....
The 1st trimester was really awful if i think back at that time...... perception towards 1st trimester now is enjoyful...
Maybe that's the feel & condition i've to bare to have a child...
my very own child...*winkwink*
Later, i'll share with u oll how is my delightful pregnancy experience...
*oh, the wed review & share pon tak habes cerita...want to move on to another story plak...
*hrrmmm...being busy and pregnant....Am i still have the time to blog like i did before??
Insyaallah...just pray for my health & baby okey....!!
So long 2011........Welcome 2012....(^^)
p/s: Kena bukak label baru "pregnancy & baby"

tahniaaaahhh!! bes nyer da de baby~ ^^
1st time komen kat puan lijah..b4 nih silent reader jek..hehe
nway tahniah puan lijah..take care urself n ur baby :)
wah!! congrats kak lijah ^_____^
drp: kami warga 4th year kpp batch 2008-2012. he8..
sile jga kesihatan ye. kami mendoakan kesejahteraan akak n baby ^o^
yeay!!!! kite sangat tertunggu-tunggu akak anounce kat sini. sebab kite dah penat simpan rahsia akak preggy. hehehe
so, lepas ni boleh la ckp dekat kak dayah, u r mom-to-be!! love ya.. take care.. gambar saya lupe emel lagi. hukhuk
Lijah.. Congrats sesangat.. Take care..
congratz puan lijah.happy for you.take a good care of yourself ye. :-)
always take care yer
wahhh congratssss lijah!!! sgt2 happy for u...tak sabar nak tgk baby nanti...take care ya :)
sweet sungguh okay!~
take a good care..jga diri bek2..nnti dah nak beli baju baby, boleh la helo2 su sbb su ada pengalaman jual baju baby ^^
Congrates for both of you! ^_^
congrats puan lijah...
Congrats dear!! take care of ur self...
kak lija..tahniah..x sbr nk tgk bby akak..jga diri baik2 tau kak..
~hajar kpp
yeay...welcome to the club!! tahniahh!!
nk kena tukar group lah.dari b2b ke mom to be dah
Waaaa, bestnye! Congrats dear! Take a very good care of urself n baby yep? Soo happy for u..,hope that I'll be bunting pelamin as well nanti..ekekeke *gatalness*
Waahhh, congratulation dear....:-) seronoknyer nak jadi ibu pulak pasni...wish u healthy n happy always...
wahhhh congrats! ramainye blogger yg kawen tahun 2011 dh i dh blh transfer ur blog kat kategori M2B kat my blog...hehe
tahniah lijah...
sama la kite..bunting pelamin..
tp me baru nk masuk 8 weeks...
Wahhhh..Congrats awak..happy for you dear (",)
congrats ! take care! ;)
congrats pn lijah....
jaga diri dan baby.... ^_^
akak...pregnant sama2 dgn ili kah?hehehe.nnt kuar sama2.kui3
salam lijah...
Tahniah Dear...bcoming a mummy soon, happy for u..
kak hani nak jemput lijah makan nasi minyak ni.. nt inbox address n phone no. k..
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