13 hari lagi....
Renovate Bilik...
DIY detailing baju nikah...
50% Siap....
kurung moden sahaja....
a two pieces dress...
so boleh gosok & cuci inner dress...(^^)
lagi satu....tak pyhla pakai korset & inner bagai....
nampak kemas, cantek, manis dipandang....
review tailoring work....
bagus..no comment...
but i wish the kain jadi lebey kembang...tentu lebey cantek...
menyesal tak print out photo & give to tailor mcm saya buat utk the previous dress...
tentu outcome die sebijik as expected...
hrrrmmm....salah sendiri gak....hehe
anyway, baju ni pon okeyh....!! saya still suka...!
detailing asal simple....
saya upgrade sket kasi menyerlah....
i used swarovski crystal, chunky beads, pearls, sequins & 3D fabric & sequin flowers...
the outcome....
i think its gorgeous!!
**tak malu puji hasil tgn sendiri....hehe..
since kesuntukan masa, ini je yg mampu buat....
hmmm...if only i have enough time......??
i'm sure i can do much2 better than this....
if minus lazy factor la...
ok...need to continue my work....daaaa...!!

cantik yunkk.. happy DIYing .. hehe
cntik & nmpk kaler tu timbul..
cantik lah dear..respek btol kt u y rajin ni..nape lah emi xde tgn ajaib gitu hehe ;)
kreatp...cantek baju u dear:)
mmg sweet sgt...=)
cntik nye baju..mai singgah blog i..
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